Many of the changes that occur as we age will be entirely unavoidable. But did you know that one of the most prevalent problems among elderly people, hearing loss, isn’t one of them? Many seniors and their families have come to accept that some degree of hearing loss is unavoidable, but the reality is that plenty can be done. While it is true that progressive hearing loss is commonplace, particularly beyond the age of 65, there are steps we can all take to mitigate its severity.

Avoid Loud Noises

Unfortunately, individuals of all ages are increasingly experiencing hearing loss at earlier stages of life and at faster rates as a result of environmental causes. Reduce the amount of noise in your life by dialing down the level on your stereo, TV and car radio, especially when using personal listening devices like headphones or earbuds. If you use headphones to listen to music, don’t raise the volume up beyond 50%, and never go over 80%, even for a short period of time.

Snowmobiling, hunting, lawnmowers, leaf blowers, jet skis and power tools are among the most harmful activities and equipment for our hearing. When participating in these activities and sports, always wear ear protection, particularly in industries where extended exposure to loud sounds is prevalent. Hearing instrument specialists (HIS) recommend pre-formed or custom-molded earplugs made of plastic or rubber are recommended by hearing instrument specialists as one method of preventing hearing loss.

Use Proper Hygiene

Never use a cotton swab or other instrument to remove earwax or scrape your ear. If earwax is giving you hearing issues, see your HIS about the best technique to remove it.

Other ways to ensure good aural hygiene are as follows. If you have to blow your nose, always make sure you use both nostrils. Swallow and yawn repeatedly if you are on an aircraft when it is landing and during the flight. If you have a cold, the flu, a sinus infection or any upper respiratory disease, take a decongestant a few hours before flying or use a nasal spray immediately before landing.

Always Seek Help

If you find that you are experiencing any form of hearing loss as you age, you need to speak to a hearing instrument specialist as soon as you can. However, many people with hearing loss do not address it or utilize hearing aids. This could be because they are concerned about a lack of insurance coverage, cost in general or they might even feel some shame about having to wear hearing aids to help them.

Others go through the rituals of being fitted for hearing aids and taking them home, only to leave them in the case because using them seems too difficult. Many people don’t consider hearing loss to be a serious concern since they can compensate by turning up the volume on their television. However, turning up the volume on the TV will not address the issue and although hearing loss may seem to be an unavoidable aspect of aging, there is much more to it.

The fact is, there is help out there, and it’s essential to get that help when you need it. Being proud or worried about what people think isn’t worth not getting your hearing loss treated when it’s such a simple thing to do.

The Benefit of a Hearing Aid

As a senior, purchasing a hearing aid isn’t only about serious, long-term concerns. Your long-term health will undoubtedly improve, but hearing aids will immediately enhance your quality of life. If you can hear and engage in discussions, you will feel less alone and will be able to participate more fully in your social life. When you can communicate successfully with your HIS, you can effectively express your health concerns and understand your HIS treatment plan, reducing your anxiety even more.

Should you invest in hearing aids? If you have any of the following symptoms, the answer is yes:

  • Constantly asking people to repeat what they said
  • Turning the TV volume up
  • Background noise makes it difficult to hear when someone is speaking to you.
  • You avoid social settings because you’re afraid you won’t be able to follow discussions.

These, and maybe additional symptoms, can indicate that it’s time to consider having a hearing aid. Speak to the experts at New Hartford Hearing Center at 315-801-2991 to find out whether a hearing aid is correct for you.